Hmmmm, it appears, not unexpectedly, that I'm terrible at blogging regularly.
Apologies for the inconsistency - I don't really feel like I have anything particularly interesting to say at the moment, and I'm very wary of becoming massively boring and just writing shit about myself for the sake of it.
Also, given that this blog is in the "public domain" and is being read by people I don't know, it's also hard to know how much to say or not say, while still being interesting yet avoid being abused/tracked down or causing offence.
In so many ways, I am glad that there was no facebook, blogging or wide-spread internet use when I was at school. I was bullied a lot during those years, at first for being excessively shy and anti-social (and for being an academic over-achiever), and then for being a socially-awkward "wog" with a big nose. In many ways, the bullying made me stronger, but it also gave me some extremely deep-rooted insecurities about many things, not least of all my appearance (both physically and socially).
Social media just gives stupid bullies another avenue for torture people who do not deserve it.
I read recently about that beautiful girl who was stalked and bullied over social media to the point where she was driven to drinking bleach and, ultimately, to killing herself. I have also read articles about self-confessed "trolls" who think it's ok to bully and torment people who apparently "deserve it for being insecure". Gah.
I also see stories of young people who think that plastic surgery is the sensible way to go, and their parents encourage them to change their appearance instead of telling them how beautiful they are AS THEY ARE. And of course surgeons are more than happy to exploit these poor kids and their stupid parents.
What the hell is wrong with the world? Since when is it ok to treat people however the hell you want? Whatever happened to empathy, to unconditional love, to discipline?
I realise that bullies have their own insecurities/problems which make them behave the way that they do, but it really feels like there's such a sense of entitlement to bad behaviour these days, and it makes me feel sick. If I had turned around and bullied someone in return, I would have totally expected to have had my arse kicked.
Anyway, sorry for being so ranty and pissed-off, but I think I just needed to get all that off my chest. The world just feels like a scary place sometimes.
Yours in solidarity and Bloggerific-ness,
Louki xxx