

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 4 - Thou shalt not be a lazy sod

Happy October 4th, Fellow Bloggerinos!

Do you ever have those days where you look at your list of Fun Times Ahead, and suddenly you can't be bothered and just want to cancel everything?

Maybe it's just because it got to over 30 degrees (celsius) today and all I wanted to do all day was stretch out on a sandy beach with a magazine and a cocktail, instead of staring at a computer in noisy air-conditioning under fluorescent lights all day.

Maybe it's because I've got a job interview tomorrow and I'm feeling a bit like I'd quite prefer to hide my head under a nice cozy blankie somewhere and come out when it's all over.

Maybe it's just because I'm lazy.

Whatever the reason, I'm starting to feel rather BLAH about all the fun things I was so looking forward to up until now.

I expect (and hope) things will start looking up once tomorrow's interview is done, and I can start looking ahead a bit further. Hooray!

In the meantime, Blossoms, I'm going to get an early night with my new book (pictured below) which arrived in the mail today (yay)! Not sure what to expect, am only about 15 pages in so far.

I'm not much of a prude, but I must admit it was a bitofa shock reading the C-word for the first time in a J.K. Rowling book... We're not in Hogwarts any more, Hedwig!

Which reminds me of something funny I saw today: a woman reading Fifty Shades of Porn on the train this morning. She was clutching her handbag unusually tightly and was chewing her gum in a frenzy! Everyone else looked thoroughly embarrassed on her behalf. Funnily enough, the seat next to her was the last one to be taken...

Sending lotsa love out into the Blogosphere,
Louki xx