Yesterday I did a spot of do-gooding, and pitched in to sponsor a new TV show pilot project!! Have a lookie-look here:
It's a comedy starring one of my old colleagues in the lead role, and the producer (a Melbourne boy) is raising the last blob of budget through crowd funding, so if you have some spare cashola to fund what looks like a really fun new project, you can sponsor it at the above website.
And there are also some cool rewards you can score for any donation over $3!! Can't go wrong, really.
And in other exciting news... I've been baking. Wooo!
It was my colleague's birthday yesterday so when she returned from her celebratory long weekend today we had a morning tea in her honour. Pictured are my never-ever-fail Orange & Lemon Syrup Cake and easy-peasy-yummo Chocolate & Raspberry Cupcakes :
But don't worry, the cake has got so much Vitamin C in it that it's practically health-food. *
And the cupcakes have dark chocolate and raspberries in them, and EVERYONE knows antioxidants are good for you. **
(if any fellow cake enthusiasts are interested in having the recipes, just post a hoy-hoy in the Comments below and I'll post them up!)
Yours in sugary (and slightly flabby) goodness,
Louki xx
* if you ignore the large quantities of sugar.
** and butter has calcium, right? essential for strong bones. avoid osteoporosis, people!