

Monday, October 15, 2012

Days 13-15 - Thou shalt be all kinds of purest awesome

Apologies for the hiatus, my fellow Bloggerissimos! I DO have a good excuse though... I'm a total lazy-arse.

In breaking news, I have accepted my new job with all kinds of mixed feelings. Excited (and terrified) at the upcoming challenges and learning-curves, sad as can be about packing up my ol' kit-bag and saying "toodle-pipski" to my beloved colleagues, and angry as all hell that management have turned our department into such a pig's breakfast that they're losing competent staff who so desperately WANT to stay.

But it turns out that I CAN control my own destiny, even if it doesn't always feel comfortable at the time.

So, another chapter ends, another begins. As for my gorgeous colleagues, it's not really goodbye after all... it's just "meet you at the pub after work". :-)

And check out the beautiful flowers my sister had delivered, which were waiting for me when I got home! Love.

Take care, and stay AWESOME, Bloggeroodlies!

Louki xx


  1. I hope your new job is all kinds of purest awesome too, Louki. How very exciting and terrifying (excerrifying?) All the best with it. PS beautiful blooms from your lovely sister.

    1. Excerrifying!!! I love it. :-) Thanks for stopping by! xx

  2. Just caught up on this post and the previous one...I can relate to being in bad work environments, but it sounds as though you are now heading into all sorts of possibilities with the new job, and nice coworkers if your soon-to-be boss is giving you time to make your final decision. Congratulations on the infinite possibilities to come!

    and those flowers are GORGEOUS by the way...I wish I had a sister like yours!!

    Once last thing I got 'tartmla' for the word that some sort of dessert??!?! ;)

  3. It's always AWFUL when big life decisions are taken out of your hands like that. Redundancy is never a pleasant thing for anyone and I have experienced it on both sides (of course, it was way worse being the person losing the job than the person having to make the cuts, don't get me wrong, but both are difficult!).

    ANYWAY, onwards and upwards, Louki. I am a firm believer about that whole door opening, window closing thing. I see good things ahead for you. You've just got to be brave and know that in the end the unfamiliar becomes way too familiar in a much shorter time than you ever wished for!!
