

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 24 - Gratitude and Happiness

I have spent today with a massive headache, so I think I should take a break from being a glum little poopy-pants, and instead think about the things that make me happy. In fact, I think I will post a little list of them right here!

Things that are currently making me happy:

- deciding to leave work early and spend the last few hours of daylight at home instead of looking at a computer monitor with increasing discomfort.

- crazy fun shopping with my gorgeous sister - we discovered Daiso (the uber Japanese department store where everything is $2.80!) earlier in the week. I never realised how quickly Japanese pop music can make you lose the will to live, increasing the need for retail therapy... clever plan, Daiso. I am now your slave.
(Pictured, the care instructions for the fabulous black furry earmuffs I bought there)

- looking forward to playing some beautiful music at our concert on Saturday night, despite feeling nervous about making a big flying fool of myself.

- the rhododendrons and bromeliads which have started flowering in our garden! I am always amazed at their striking shapes and colours, you just can't beat the boundless imagination of Mother Nature!

- my new-found love of baking sourdough bread. I have been dutifully feeding my starter (my "baby"!) every night, and there's something about the rustic activities of kneading and nurturing the dough that just slow time down, somehow.

- having gorgeous workmates and friends, some of whom I know I'll be friends with for the rest of my life. I received a sweet email yesterday from my supervisor who is currently on maternity leave, saying "I just realised that when I come back I won't be your supervisor any more, and I suddenly feel very sad...". And it made me cry, not just with sadness that I won't get to work with her any more, but also with a deep happiness that I have such amazing warm people in my life.

- practising my clarinet (a rare occurrence, for reasons which have always been a mystery to me), and that amazing sensation of flying over the notes when I finally get things right. My teacher once described the push of the air as something that comes from behind you, almost like that rush you get when a plane is taking off - I remember that advice every time I play, and every time I'm about to take off on plane! It's quite a euphoric feeling.

- the books of Alexander McCall Smith. So easy to read and always beautiful - perfect with a cup of tea and a long lie-in on a rainy Sunday morning!

- new episodes of The Big Bang Theory. Words can't describe how much I love that show!!

- the fact that the Director of our big department is presenting some of my recent work at a software user conference interstate tomorrow afternoon! She doesn't have a permanent job for me, but at least she's being gracious enough to publicly admit how much it'll hurt the department to lose me.

- and last but not least, my lovely husband, helping me prepare dinner and constantly asking "is there anything else you want me to do?" despite the fact that he's got a sinus infection, has been home sick for 3 days, and is quite clearly feeling like shit warmed up.

Sending love out into the Blogosphere, to you all, Blogmigos!
Louki xxx